DON’T GET PARANOID: HOW PARENTS CAN FIND RELIABLE INFORMATION As a parent, you’re naturally alert for dangers your children may face. And often,…
The University of Pennsylvania accepted 40% of applicants back in 1980—by 2021, that figure had plummeted to 5.68%. Those wanting to join the…
How to Use a Net Price Calculator to Estimate College Costs
by drupidby drupidHow to Use a Net Price Calculator to Estimate College Costs by Dave Bergman September 16, 2021 Costs & Financial Aid America in…
Have you ever snapped at a whining child to “Grow up!”? While maturing isn’t quite the matter of “just doing it” that that…
In 1977, Marie Winn first published The Plug-In Drug, a critique of television’s potentially negative effects on children and family: premature exposure to…
Human nature craves the security of order—and children, who are barely beginning to learn the art of looking out for themselves, need that…
It’s a blessing to work at a school that emphasizes the “whole-child approach” to education. At whole-child-oriented schools, students enjoy learning, and there…
WHEN THE KIDS ARE HOME, Part 1 You know about summer vacation fatigue (call it SVF). Symptoms: irritability, boredom, whining, thoughts of disowning…
There are children who grow up believing that a parent who abandoned the family has died—or vice versa. And there are grown children…
Shady Oak believes in preparing children for adulthood by building on “6 Pillars”: Connection, Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking, and [Capable] Problem Solving.…